Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Choose A Wedding Dress for My Love

The next day I went to the address and in the meantime, was a handsome man, Alain, and see a class of five. From the waltz to salsa, and it was the sensual samba. His movements were so graceful, that I was in class, no matter what register. Alain has had the courtesy to meet me and explain a few steps. He asked me to bring the kind of shoes for each class. I returned the next day as a student.

Some of us never think that we will never find true love. The existence of the fairy tale of our parents do not seem to get to today's world. To trust someone with all his heart was something I was not inclined to think, let alone experience. I have my eye on people like the school and one for a while, until he broke my heart. At that time, he was everything to me and why I probably turned cynical about love and marriage in general.

I considered myself busy with my regular duties and I tried my best to love my job as best as possible until I found one I really liked it. I have so many divorces and unhappy so many friends it would be difficult for anyone to see to convince me otherwise about marriage. I must admit that I was not Romeo and Juliet was not looking for any help me out the window.

I decided to walk home from work one night arrived and walk in the park. As the evening there were a few people in the park, each with their own thing. There was a lady handing out leaflets, and I took a polite and shoved it in my purse.

I reached home and went about my chores finally settled to watch a movie, before I left for the night. I reached my bag to pull hair clip when I click on the brochure that I had the lady at the park. It was an ad for dance classes. Took a dance class made me think and I thought it might be a good idea to express my feelings and thoughts clearly, that in addition to the exercise I can do with it.

Alain and I slowly worked to dance for hours and small, we knew that was the beginning of a long novel. We got married in Las Vegas and needless to say, we had to dance the best time of our lives, and therefore to our guests. Today, we saw many couples take their vows after a meeting in our school.